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3 approaches to personalization (case studies) using google analytics, vibetrace and marketizator

presentation held on 23.01.2014 #SPWK –, Galyateto, Hungary.

– some case studies about showing the right message to the right audience in the right moment –


Despre Liviu Taloi

Liviu is Co-Founder of the project and Community Manager for GPeC (Gala Premiilor e-Commerce - Romanian e-Commerce Award Gala). He has over 15 years of experience in online marketing and 10 years in e-commerce. He was, among other past jobs, PR Manager at eMAG. In 2005, he founded a web consulting company specialized in e-commerce and sites evaluation, Web Audit. He is also speaker at conferences and seminars, especially dedicated to electronic commerce, he write articles and market analysis. Skills: e-commerce, site audit, UX, CRO, Analytics, Online Marketing. Taloi has been selected by Cardinal Path to be a regional trainer of Google Partner Academy Programme in Google Analytics. Taloi has also GAIQ - Google Analytics Individual Qualification certification. Liviu TALOI has worked with online shops as eMAG, MarketOnline, SigmaNET, F64, FashionUP, TAMOS, Kurtmann, ZorileStore,, MetaphoraBijoux,, eMenAtWork, e-commerce platforms & full digital agencies as Content Speed, Shopmania BIZ,, online tourism sites as EXIMTUR, Veltravel, he did usability & conversion rate optmization projects as for BCR - sIT Solutions AT Spardat Gmbh, Bitdefender (USA site), SKIN media, he delivered Google Analytics closed&open trainings as for BrainArt, Siniat, ING NN Asigurari de Viata, Google Partner Academy. In recent years, Liviu Taloi provided expert advice to more than 100 Romanian online stores in e-commerce, usability, analytics, conversion rate optimization and online marketing. Many of these online companies are now market leaders in their niche.

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