In contextul promovarii pe Social Media, cat de relevant este Twitter?


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Domeniul este inca in dezvoltare (cu toate ca peste 4 milioane de romani au cont de Facebook). Daca pe Facebook putem sa estimam ce audienta am avea simuland un anunt platit, pe Twitter nu se vede cum am putea sa masuram corect audienta posibila. – intrebare preluata din grupul de Facebook dedicat comertului electronic, postata de Brad Bogdan

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Campanii in Social Media Comunicare in Social Media Liviu Taloi 12 ani 3 raspuns 2192 vizualizari 0

Răspunsuri ( 3 )

  1. Depinde de nisa. La noi pe tw stau mai mult cei tehnici. Pe IT&C ar merge tw, dar nu trebuie sa ai asteptari mari de la acest canal.
    Vezi daca sunt hastag-uri romanesti pe nisa ta si ce activitate este acolo.

    Iar daca tinem cont de povestile de succes din .com se poate vedea ca doar Dell este mentionat.

    Este ok sa ai cont, sa postezi si vezi ce se intampla.

  2. Eu mi-am pus cateva intrebari legate de relevanta Social Media Marketing in Romania, in special Twitter. Parerea mea este ca domeniul este inca in dezvoltare (cu toate ca peste 4 milioane de romani au cont de Facebook).
    Daca pe Facebook pot sa estimez ce audienta as avea simuland un anunt, pe Twitter nu vad cum as putea sa masor corect audienta posibila.
    Am zis ca ar fi bine sa aflu si parerea unui american (doar acolo s-a nascut toata chestia asta si sa vedem cam cat este dezvolatata la ei). Am cautat pe net un marketer cunoscut din SUA si i-am trimis un mail. Nu ma asteptam sa primesc atat de repede un raspuns dar iata ca el a venit.
    „Hi, Brad, I don’t present myself as a social media expert, but I have gained a fair amount of first-hand experience with Twitter. A few quick comments:
    – Twitter seems better at targeting specific interests than demographic groups. If you want to target astronomy fans or architects, for example, you can search both bios and tweets to find people to follow and interact with.
    – Twitter isn’t a great promotional medium unless you plan to spend a lot of time on non-promotional content and interactions. I never follow an account that looks like it is mostly tweeting about its own stuff (services, products, web content, etc.) or is on auto-pilot (tweeting quotes, low quality RTs, etc.). If you have high quality interactions and content, people WILL tolerate the occasional self-link (to your latest blog post, new service announcement, etc.)
    – I don’t know of a Twitter demographic segmentation tool. Most tools are keyword based or require some kind of voluntary registration by interest, which means they will capture only a tiny fraction of the population. I haven’t seen much of those tools lately (where I could register as being interested in „marketing,” „neuroscience,” and „coffee,” for example), they may be out of business.
    – I don’t know what your business is, but consider Twitter as an element of supporting a content marketing strategy. Build up your own site, your own email list, etc.
    – Look at the nature of your target customers to determine what social networks will be most productive. I’ve been blogging at lately, and have been interested to see the stats (visible to all in the left social bar) for social shares. LinkedIn is coming on strong for sharing business info. Facebook does a little better when the content is more recreational/personal. Twitter covers both realms, but seems to work best for quirky, interesting, short content. There’s a lot of overlap – one post of mine had nearly equal shares across all three networks. Reddit and Stumbleupon are the dark horses – they rarely generate much traffic for my stuff, but when one of them kicks in they can send thousands of visits over a period of hours or even days.

    Good luck!”

    Voi va concentrati eforturile catre Twitter pentru promovarea unui brand in Romania? Daca da cam ce rezultate aveti?

    Cel mai bun răspuns
  3. Apropos de Twitter, merita sa aruncati un ochi si pe articolul scris de mine in 2009. Inca este valabil.. si eu personal am avut rezultate dpdv al vanzarilor cu 2-3 clienti folosind in acel moment ca si canal de promovare Twitter-ul.

    Articolul aici:

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